Screen showing mobile device management software from CaptureTech Protect
Protect & manage mobile devices

CaptureTech Protect

CaptureTech Protect is the solution for remote management, keeping your mobile devices and WiFi infrastructure optimally deployed and up-to-date. By fully outsourcing to CaptureTech, you ensure the continuity of essential business processes and, through maximum uptime and speed, maximize your return on investment at the lowest cost.

Remote Support

We are at your service 24/7 with direct availability to our technical specialists. We’re here for you if something “doesn’t work,” if you have questions about a particular functionality or are having trouble installing or activating your mobile devices.

Mobile Device Management

With our Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution, we implement, manage, monitor and secure your mobile devices. The software we use for this is hosted in the Cloud and offers you maximum flexibility and security. Key features of Mobile Device Management:

  • Easily activate and configure mobile devices
  • Quickly and easily bring uniformity to settings
  • Effectively define and implement security policies
  • Enable or disable certain device features per user
  • Provide insight into the system status and statistics of mobile devices
  • Roll out updates centrally
  • Remote support; identifying and resolving problems

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Automatic updates

During the term of your Protect contract, you will receive updates for your Android devices every six months. This keeps your Android version up-to-date and secure. When a new version of Android is released, we continue to provide you with security updates for your current Android operating system for a full year. This gives you time to decide if and when you want to migrate your apps to the new Android operating system. Then we migrate you to the latest version.

Online Service & Repair

In the unlikely event of a device malfunction, our Repair Service will provide a quick repair. With CaptureTech Check, you report the defective equipment and can track it. Receive repaired equipment back quickly and immediately deployable. In CaptureTech Check, you can also view the technical status and details of your equipment. With the “Check it Out” functionality, you can see exactly who has been using which device and when it was returned.

Truck of transport company St vd Brink on a highway
Customer case

St vd Brink

“With CaptureTech Protect, we know for sure that our equipment and business continuity will be fine.”

Ron Ranzijn, application manager, St vd Brink

View case

Want to know more about CaptureTech Protect?

Start monitoring and securing your mobile devices with CaptureTech Protect. Our experienced specialists are at your service with practical advice that will get you started right away.

Profielfoto van Randy van den Brink van CaptureTech
Randy van den Brink

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