Cyber Security Scan

Start easily and know immediately where you stand with the Security Scan. With this baseline measurement, we scan your current environment, including existing software and hardware and your security policies. Usually we can quickly identify some immediately visible risks, but we also come up with a comprehensive and in-depth report for your area. Should you subsequently choose a CaptureTech Cyber Shield package, we do this scan again every year.

IT Consultant Mikel Warbie
Mikel Warbie
Cyber Security Specialist

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More than just a Cyber Security Scan

We can use the outcome of the Cyber Security Scan to help you better secure your IT environment. In doing so, we look at the specific circumstances and needs of your organization.

We can also help if you need additional security for specific applications or networks within your organization. Thus, the standard Cyber Shield package is tailored to the activities you need. For example, we can perform vulnerability and remote network scans. Contact our Security Specialists for free advice or a customized quote: +31 (0) 252 241 544
