Penetration test
Let our cyber security specialists examine your systems for weaknesses through a penetration test (pen test). With this test, we detect weaknesses and simulate a real hack.
Let our cyber security specialists examine your systems for weaknesses through a penetration test (pen test). With this test, we detect weaknesses and simulate a real hack.
A penetration test, also called a pen test, is an investigation in which we examine your network(s), applications or hardware for vulnerabilities by attacking them. By mimicking an attack by a real hacker, we measure how secure your systems are.
Start easily and know immediately where you stand with the Security Scan. With this baseline measurement, we scan your current environment, including existing software and hardware and your security policies. Usually we can quickly identify some immediately visible risks, but we also come up with a comprehensive and in-depth report for your area. Should you subsequently choose our CaptureTech Cyber Shield subscription, we will do this scan every year.
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