Mobile workstation trolley warehouse

Mobile workstation trolley

Work more efficiently in your warehouse with improved ergonomics for your employees.

  • Receiving
  • Shipping
  • Stock counts
  • Quality control
  • Returns

Mobile workstations in warehouse or manufacturing

Employees in your warehouse or manufacturing site travel a lot of miles. They run from the label printer, to the goods, to where the barcode scanner is left, back to the printer, to the computer where the WMS or ERP desktop application is running, and so on. With the mobile workstation trolley, you remove many of these unnecessary movements. The user has all the necessary equipment at hand on a wheeled cart, which they always take with them to where they need to be.

Not only do you reduce walking movements, but you also avoid the possibility of mistakes. In fact, with a label printer in a central location, employees will often print several labels at once and take them to different locations. This creates the risk that they will accidentally stick them on the wrong goods, pallets or locations.

Modular and ergonomic

The mobile workstation trolleys are ergonomically designed so you not only increase productivity, but also the enjoyment of work for your people. They can be modularized for a customized solution and there is a choice of four trolley types. The robust design makes the trolley hufterproof, and you can count on onsite support and custom-made configurations. In addition, multiple battery protections are built in to extend its life.

Mobile workstation trolley at fine dining & living
Customer case

Fine Dining & Living

“The mobile workstation trolley is equipped with a scale, label printer and computer and allows us to take it to the goods with us, making goods receiving much faster now.”

Senne Lauwers
Warehouse Manager

View case

Mobile workstation for cold stores

Are you looking for the perfect solution for refrigeration and freezer environments? You can also choose CaptureTech’s mobile workstation trolleys for these cold storage warehouses. Additional heated elements and multiple heat sensors with alarm functions make our refrigerated and freezer trolleys the best choice for safe and prolonged work in these specific conditions.

Thanks to an additional temperature sensor, the battery will only begin charging at a battery temperature of 5° C. This ensures that the battery has an optimal lifespan. Use the mobile workstation trolley in your cold or freezer warehouse in combination with, for example, the various rugged scanners, forklift terminals and tablets suitable for such environments.

Mobile workstation trolley XL

Extra space with the XL Trolley

For longer work sessions and even more intensive use, the mobile workstation trolleys can be equipped with additional work space and a larger battery capacity. You can also use the XL trolley to connect multiple printers for different applications, such as small bar codes and A4 labels. As a result, you always have enough space and flexibility to perform your work efficiently.

Try out for free

Wondering if the mobile workstation trolley might help you make your processes more efficient? Request a test model and try the trolley for free for two weeks. This allows you to test for yourself in your own environment how to best use the trolley. Fill out the form and one of our specialists will contact you.

bass jansen
Bas Jansen

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