Which is better: a speech-dependent or speech-independent system?

Thanks to technological development, voice picking in distribution centers and warehouses has come of age over the past decade. Voice picking is now a serious, professional option for order picking with end-to-end solutions. A solution often preferable to manual picking with list and also better than picking with bar code. There are two types of voice picking systems: voice dependent and voice independent.


Do you have a distribution center or warehouse? So what is the best investment?

CaptureTech believes that a speech-dependent (trained) system is better in every way. The language version of a speech-independent (untrained) system – usually Dutch – serves as the basis of comparison for all voice pickers using the system. ‘Speech-independent’ therefore does not take into account, for example, differences in pronunciation, a dialect or even colds. With a speech-dependent (trained) system, such issues can be overcome from the start.

Voice picking for single and batch picking

Clear benefits of voice picking in practice

  • Error reduction
  • Time Saving & Productivity
  • Two hands free
  • Cost savings

Voice dependent voice picking

Each user of a speech-dependent system uses a unique language database optimized for him/her. In it, words spoken by the voice picker are compared with words previously spoken by the same person. The work environment in a distribution center or warehouse presents too many challenges for a speech-independent system. People talk in the background, a radio is on, a forklift drives by, and so on. Things that a speech-independent (untrained) system is not designed to deal with. As a result, the margin of error increases dramatically. And your investment in a voice solution doesn’t bring the benefits you’re counting on.


The benefits of Voice

A voice-dependent (trained) system from CaptureTech has the following advantages:

  • Decrease in errors, thus higher accuracy
  • Real-time, error-free feedback of data and work
  • Usability
  • Short training period (familiarize voice model by individual order picker)
  • Increase in productivity
  • Greater customer satisfaction
  • A more than interesting cost savings

The short time investment per employee to train his/her voice database by speaking in will pay for itself in no time. Error rates will drop noticeably almost immediately, resulting in greater productivity.

View cases from our customers

DC Walkthrough

DC walkthrough and ROI calculation

During our proven walkthrough of a distribution center, we analyze your warehousing processes and come up with sound advice on voice based on that analysis. We calculate your ROI including the payback period. Productivity increases by at least 20% by deploying a voice solution from CaptureTech. And with the use of CaptureTech Insight, you can further optimize processes after implementation!

More information or a quote?

At CaptureTech, we make office and logistics collaboration possible. We believe that organizations can be more successful through better and faster collaboration. This contributes to increased productivity and job satisfaction. Want more information or a quote? Then contact us directly at +31 252 241544 or send an email to [email protected].

Profile photo Kees Nijsseen
Kees Nijssen
Logistics consultant

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