Endpoint protection
Cyber Security

Endpoint protection

Secure the endpoints in your network, such as desktops, laptops, tablets and other mobile devices against cyber attacks and prevent them from being used by cybercriminals as an access path to your data and systems.

Work safely with all equipment

The days of having visibility into all devices being used as an organization are now behind us. Flexible working, where employees perform their work (in part) from home, using a company-owned device, is here to stay.

In addition to devices they receive from the organization to work with, a BYOD (bring your own device) policy is possible. These opportunities also make you look at data security differently.

CaptureTech Cyber Shield from CaptureTech therefore includes endpoint protection in the more comprehensive packages, so you can protect all devices from outside attacks.

Cyber Security Scan

Start easily and know immediately where you stand with the Security Scan. With this baseline measurement, we scan your current environment, including existing software and hardware and your security policies. Usually we can quickly identify some immediately visible risks, but we also come up with a comprehensive and in-depth report for your area. Should you subsequently choose our CaptureTech Cyber Shield subscription, we do this scan again every year.

IT Consultant Mikel Warbie
Mikel Warbie
IT Security Specialist

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